Monsignor Roy William “Bill” Caldwell returned “home” after his passing away Saturday, December 3,
2022 at Liberty Hospital from complications after a recent hospitalization. He lived 81 full and meaningful
years, most in selfless service to his Lord, his parishes and many friends and his family. He left this world
a much better place due to his faith, his kindness and his caring for all the lives he touched.
Father Bill was born September 5, 1941 as the first of two sons to Mary Agatha (O’Connor) Caldwell and
Roy William Caldwell. He and his brother Patrick Joseph Caldwell were raised in Kansas City, MO, by a
loving family and a single mother after their father passed away when the boys were 3 and 1. Their proud
Irish Catholic mother insisted on the boys keeping their rooms clean and tidy and formal table manners.
Her life lessons had a lasting impact, but maybe not those two.
Bill received the call to priesthood very early in life. At the age of 6 he did not want to play toy soldier
games with his brother but elected to practice saying mass instead. Patrick remembers joining him for
midnight mass on many occasions which brother Bill explained was not a way of avoiding an early
required bedtime.
Father Bill was educated at St. John’s Seminary, Rockhurst College, Conception Seminary and ordained
at the age of 27 at St. Peter’s Parish. He served at ten parishes in Missouri concluding at St. Ann in
Excelsior Springs. Father Bill shared his unconditional and limitless love with his friends, family and his
parishioners and fellow priests. The family would like to express gratitude for their friendship and
kindness and also for the warm and supportive care he received at Oak Point in Kearney and Liberty
Hospital. He had a desire that others would be called to the priesthood to serve and wanted to support
their education and life journey. He asked that any memorial contributions be directed to Conception
Abbey, 37174 State Hwy. VV, P.O. Box 502, Conception MO 64433.
While he will be greatly missed by many we know that he is now enjoying a new life filled with happiness
and no doubt the chance to be with departed family, friends and his guardian and guide St. Anthony.
Father Bill will be remembered with a rosary on Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 5 p.m. followed by reception until 8 p.m. and a funeral mass at 10 a.m. on Friday, December 9, 2022, both at St. Ann Parish in Excelsior Springs, MO.
Father Bill will be in-state at Bross & Spidle Funeral Home Excelsior Springs from 10 a.m.- 5 p.m., Thursday, December 8, 2022.
Our Sincere Condolences
He was a fantastic man and priest!
Rosie Kovac
What a wonderful priest he was. I grew up going to St. Ann’s Parrish for years with my parents and siblings in Excelsior- Father Bill was truly someone I looked up to as a young boy and I still continue to admire the way he loved the Lord to this day. May he rest in peace. I can only imagine the joy he is having meeting Jesus face to face!
Josh Heuertz
A truly holy man with a wonderful sense of humor!
Nancy Vanover
Father Bill was as close to a saint on earth we were lucky to know. Whenever Fr. Paul was out of town and Fr. Bill’s phone rang with my number showing up. He said he knew he had to answer because it meant one of his previous parishoners was ill or dying and he never hesitated to come no matter the time.
Maureen Foster
Bill Caldwell taught me at St. Louis U High.
He was there for one year before he returned to KC to enter the seminary.
I was very fortunate to have connected with Father Caldwell through a jesuit family friend of his, Father Caruso, SJJ.
I was blessed by his energy and inspiration.
Danis Sr. Thomas P
Fr. Caldwell was my parish priest at St. Gregory Barbarigo Parish in Maryville, MO in the early to mid-1980’s. I was a young elementary student at the time so I don’t remember the exact time frame. I do remember that he was kind and patient with the school-aged kids. I remember him coming to our home for dinner and feeling very special that he came to dine with us. He was a good and faithful priest and we were blessed to have him at St. Gregory’s.
Karis Morrow
Father Bill was a wonderful man, although I am not catholic I thought the world of him. He was my boss E Richard Schmidt’s very good friend and often came to the office to visit. He also was a good friend to Dr Gasparovic . When Dr Schmidt passed Father Bill did part of the service. Whenever I seen him he always offered a prayer and a blessing. He will be missed but God has welcomed him with open arms. Rest in peace.
Rosalie Williams
What a great man and Christian. He loved his flock, wherever he served. He was a good friend and mentor. The world will miss him. May he rest in peace and may the perpetual light shine upon him.
Mike George Hanrahan
Prayers for Father Bill. May he rest in peace!
Pat Boeh il
I go back to Fr. Bill’s days in the seminary and early priesthood at Visitation. Father was a special person back then and brought us closer to God. I loved Fr. Bill and will miss him. I now have another Saint to pray with.
Enjoy your eternal life Fr. Bill.
Jim Kopp
I am probably one of the earliest friends of Bill, from 3rd grade in St. Peters in KC. His mother and mine were long-time friends. We went on many joint outings, and he was in the Cub den that met at our house. He always carried a book bag that did not win the approval of guys in our class. He was always a good person to be around for his good example and cheerfulness. It was no surprise that he went to St. John’s from 7th grade. May he rest in peace.
Tim Moran
I knew him in Maryville walking to NWMSU campus passing by 4th and Buchanan where I worked in 80-81 at Dews Conoco. I attended St Munchins in Cameron mo in 83 after moving home to the family farm and loved him there during his tenure. I had forgotten about him these last years but remember him with much affection now!
Jerome Houghton
I met Fr. Bill the year before he was ordained. My soon to be husband and I had a mutual friend, Ed O’Hara who had grown up with Fr. Bill. Ed introduced us at Fr. Bill’s mother’s home and the 4 of us became life long friends. Fr. Bill was my family’s priest. He was around when Dave and I were married and baptized both our daughters. He buried my mother and my grandmother and my husband and married my dad and stepmother. He was such a wonderful spiritual influence and helped me find a light through the grief. A great influence on my entire family rather it be serious or light hearted with the proverbial glass of wine. Thank you, God, for blessing us with him. Rest now, Fr, you sure have earned it.
Janie Rosenberger
I met Fr. Bill when he was assigned as Pastor of St Ann R.C. Church, Excelsior Springs and became a forever friend! We spent several family meals together and other family celebrations and sacraments. Fr. Bill was full of joy, laughter, and blessings.
May Fr. Bill’s soul be welcomed into Eternity by the saints, Mother Mary and Jesus.
WELCOME HOME Reverend Msgr. “Fr. Bill”. I look forward to greeting you again in Paradise .
Forever love & blessings in our decades of friendship.
Babs Wolfender
A good and kind man as well as a good friend. One of my parish staff remarked, “He was always smiling.” May our faith in Jesus’ triumph over death give you consolation and peace in this time of sorrow and hope.
Father Joseph Cisetti
Among his many other assignments, Fr. Bill worked at our parish where I was in grade school. Grown up and retired now, I can say that he will always be my favorite priest in Kansas City. I have long since moved away. I accidentally discovered his obit here in a Google search while preparing some documents for my deceased younger brother’s final business (he too was an alumni at the same school as me). Fr. Bill and my younger brother in Kansas City both died the same day. Discovering this just before posting my comments gives me great comfort that my younger brother was in the care of good company on his way home. Funny how the Holy Spirit works, isn’t it?
Mark K McCool
“Fr. Bill” or “Msgr” was a good man. KCSJ needs more priests like him.
Will miss always pleasant Fr. Bill … second cousin of my mother Loretta Hawker (Kennedy-O’Connor).
Donald Hawker
Sorry for being late to the party – I just heard that Fr. Bill had passed. What an influence on my life! I was blessed to have had him as a pastor at St. Munchin and St. Aloyisius. Years later now coming up on 30 years ago he returned to marry my wife and me. No words encompass this man’s spirit, influence, and impact on those around him. The comments on this sight fill my soul to see his continued impact beyond St. Munchins and St. Gregory! Fr Bill, please know I will forever be in your debt and tonight will honor you with a quiet and simple toast. You will always be in my prayers!
John Farnan
My spiritual director and brother. Spoke with him up to his last minutes and was still the same. Now with his beloved Aunt and Family.
Tom Cullerton