Chapels, LLC and Cremation Services

217 W. Broadway
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024

208 S. Jefferson
Kearney, MO 64060

214 N. Pennsylvania
Lawson, MO 64062

Dr. Jerry Allison Kirkland

Dr Jerry Allison KirklandDr. Jerry Allison Kirkland of Kearney, Missouri, passed away at Liberty Hospital on March 8, 2023.

Dr. Jerry Kirkland was born in Emporia, Kansas, on December 12, 1936.  Dr. Kirkland received his medical degree from the University of Kansas.  His internship and residency were completed at the old Kansas City General Hospital, now Truman Medical Center.  Dr. Kirkland joined the Spelman medical staff and cofounded Gashland Clinic in 1968 after serving as a Captain in the Army as a physician in Vietnam.

In his spare time, Dr. Kirkland enjoyed traveling with his wife, snow skiing, playing the piano and trumpet, and listening to classical and, recently, New Age music.  Two of his other favorite passions were his cats and creating a memorable fourth of July fireworks display for friends and family.

Dr. Kirkland was preceded in death by his mother, Margaret Ruth Kirkland, his father, Charles Webster, his adopted father, John Kirkland, and his grandmother, Margaret Edith Lehman.

He is survived by his wife, Carla Kirkland; four children, daughter Leslie and son-in-law Larry Stewart, daughter Kathy and son-in-law Mark Johnston, son Bryan Kirkland, and daughter Cynthia and son-in-law Angelo Patane; three step-children, Jay and wife Marianne Reynolds, Schila and husband Gary Frazier, and Rhyan and wife Michelle Reynolds; two grandchildren and several step-grandchildren.

Funeral service will be held on March 18, 2023 at 10 a.m. at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Excelsior Springs. Visitation will be held at 9:30 a.m. before the funeral service. There will be a Celebration Of Life dinner following the service for all family and friends. In lieu of flowers please donate to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.

Our Sincere Condolences

Sad to hear of his passing away. A great physician member of his professional. Condolences to his family especially, Kathy and Leslie.
Verda Hyland

Our condolences to the family of Dr. Jerry along with our sympathy & Prayers.
Peter & Karen Panko

I learned so much from you. Condolences to family.
Connie Jackson

David and I will keep “Dr. Jerry” close in our thoughts and prayers, as we have since we moved away some 13 years ago from Excelsior Springs. Dr. Jerry was a WONDERFUL and PATERNAL MAN, of which there are very few in this world and our memories of him will ALWAYS make us RICHER and more hopeful for a KINDER and MORE PATIENT world. Dr. Jerry was the most compassionate and patient soul anyone could ever hope to meet and memories of him will be greatly cherished now and always by those who knew him best. May God bless & keep you and may we hold our memories dear.
David and Robin Elaine Wright

I am sorry to hear Dr. Kirkland passed away. I was his first nurse at the Gashland clinic. It was a pleasure to work for him. I worked on medical floor across the hall from his wife at general hospital. He was a good Dr. and taught me many things that helped me in my job.
Joann Willits

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